The 'Other' Woman

Those words, those words we use to degrade and label others are endless for women. Not to say that men are not pressured by societal expectations, its just that we bring down women much more in our societies. We perfect them in our media, we raise them on what they should be not who they actually are. 

Here is the measure of a perfect women: 

Please spend your entire life working towards being someone and something that is unachievable, that will guarantee failure in the eyes of the complex society that surrounds you, their gazes that wrap around you, they suffocate you, its hard to breath, its hard to see your worth, to see your own beauty because when you look in the mirror every morning you see everything you aren’t, you have built a wall, you have painted some other person on your mirrors, who you want to see, because society has formed the model to which you must hope to be. 

Every now and then you look behind the painting and take a peak, but move away from because you have failed to become the ‘other'. All that is left is you. A beautiful you, tucked underneath all the shit that others have thrown on you, expectations that are unachievable, because we can never be someone else when we are our ‘SELF’. 

How could we genuinely be the ‘other', where would the 'other' go within us? There is no reason because you have your heart, your soul, your body and your mind. You are just wearing the clothes of the 'other', but they can never penetrate your being. 

So you failed to be the woman you have painted onto your mirrors and you have suppressed your SELF. Where do you stand now? In the middle of no where. You hate you and you failed to be the ‘other'. Where are you now? How do you feel when you get home and take off the others clothes? 

When will you begin to remove the painting off your mirrors and replace it with your internal SELF portrait? 

Pick up that shovel and rid yourself of the shit that has been placed over you for all your life. Show me, show us. I beg you. We need you to express yourself. We cannot survive without you. Let us see your self portrait. 

I love you, we love you and you need to love you. Just allow yourself to be the beauty you have always been.

Talib Hussain